
A.Network Infrastructure:

Our call center infrastructure is highly scalable with open source architecture for some of our PBX and IP gateway requirements using the latest in Asterisk and Digium technology. We are also fully redundant with our Cisco Router, Firewalls, and the entire LAN connectivity.

logicczo is utilizing software-based PaBX / Dialler system from Asterisk. The software is built on an open architecture, Windows 2003 Server and Microsoft SQL Server platform, and state-of-the-art Dialogic SCSA telephony components. Asterisk provides robust predictive dialling and blended inbound/outbound, ACD, and IVR features that were previously affordable to only large companies

These new systems provide an innovative, all-in-one, contact center communications infrastructure that provides the best ROI, and an easy solution to the growing demands of the contact center services

Our BPO and consulting services can help your business:

  1. Reduce operating costs
  2. Improve efficiency and productivity
  3. Enhance customer service
  4. Increase revenue


logicczo makes use of the state-of-the-art VoIP infrastructure that combines flexibility with cost competitiveness. We have adopted the full VoIP solution ahead of the most in the contact center industry because we believe that by saying ahead of our competitors, we will be able to offer optimum services at competitive rates.

With multiple redundant IP backbones and shared IPLC network serviced by the three largest carriers in India, we are fully redundant with our data and voice connectivity, therefore providing seamless operation 24/7. Currently, the company is also partnered with two different VoIP providers with several gateways across the US, providing optimum voice quality and latency anywhere in the country. Our flexibility with our VoIP providers allow us to be able to call anywhere in the world, while maintaining good voice quality.

Likewise, the flexibility of our solution allows us to partner with VoIP providers that are localized in a specific country or zone, therefore providing an optimal latency and minimal hop situation.